
Third time is a charm

In my youth I played a lot of basketball. Most of my friends had a jersey number, a number that somehow always got reserved for you. Mine was the number 3. I can’t exactly pinpoint why 3 resonated so loudly with me.

Today, the number three continues to have meaning for me. When I have been talking to students lately, the idea of resiliency seems to come up time and time again. I find myself saying, the third time is a a charm, so keep trying. Resilience, being able to bounce back, to learn from mistakes, to come out on the other end with a takeaway, that just seems to be so important today in schools.

This is the third time I have tried to start blogging. Writing helps me make sense of all this new learning that I have been exposed to over the last few years. Writing is away to connect my thinking, so I can push my learning even further.

So, now it is time to start this third attempt at blogging. To step up to the line, take a deep breath, focus above the rim, and take the shot. And prove that the third time is truly a charm.

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