
Moving back to the U.S.

Having recently repatriated back to the U.S. after a number of years living overseas, there are a
number of daily tasks that I have been lightly stumbling over.

Here are ten things that come to mind as I am going through this repatriation process:

  • No more summer binge shopping... I can go to Target anytime I want, it is under 10 minutes from me.
  • No more summer binge get togethers... I can meet up with friends at my leasure.
  • Leaves will change on trees... my kids have never seen that
  • Snow will fall... again, my kids have never seen that
  • Celebrating Labor Day... remind me what that is again??
  • The need for two cars for our family... we are operating with only one for now, but I am sure it maybe only a matter of time until we need a second car
  • 110V electronics... I guess this gives me an excuse to buy some new electronics
  • Customer service phone trees... and they d=sort of make sense
  • No more watching [american] sporting events in the middle of the night
  • Choices, choices, and more choices

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