
Classroom Design

There is so much literature on the benefits of classrooms designed with the learner in mind. My first
real go at this was sixteen years ago. That school year, I had a very diverse group of students. And even with five years of teaching under my belt, I was in no way really prepared to handle, let alone meet the needs of all the learners in my classroom.

Enter into the picture, two amazing intervention specialist, who helped me drastically change my whole room set up. With no budget, we turned the room "up side down" with some very simple, but extremely effective changes to the physical space of my classroom. The short term changes to how students went about learning were huge, and the long term impact on student learning that year was awesome for students.

Looking back, these simple changes created spaces for collaboration, creation, reflection, and just plain old fun. As I move forward into administration, and continue to go into classes, it constantly amazes me the ingenuity I see with teachers and their students in creating spaces for optimal learning to take place.

To learn more about classroom spaces...

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