
Habits of Leadership

Reflecting on these eleven now. Thanks Michael Fullan for inspiring these habits.

Visible in classrooms, team meetings, student events
Available in time of need

Listening with empathy and seeking understanding
Seen as a listener first, and speaker second
Understands perspectives of others

Clear, concise, and frequent in written and verbal communications

Conflict Management
Able to have difficult conversations with skill
Able to say “no” or set limits to protect priorities or values of school/district
Able to mediate conflict

Calm under pressure
Ambiguity tolerance
Compassionate, ethical & fair

Builds collaborative culture
Seeks input of others; shared decision-making
Empowers others to be active team members and to lead

Shows good judgment
School mission, vision, and value-driven
Cites evidence or research on big decisions
Plans for implementation and sustainability
Removes “self” from decisions

Change Agent
Inspirational & visionary
Creates a common & shared vision
Challenges status quo
Willing to try new, potentially unpopular ideas
Shows urgency

Learning Leader
Seen as a continuous learner
Holds staff to high standards
Fosters professional learning

Student Focused
Considers students in all decisions
Utilizes data to plan and make decisions

Inspires trust and confidence
Follows through with what they say they will do
Character and competence 

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